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The Uni­ver­sal Decla­ra­ti­on of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nati­ons Gene­ral Assem­bly in 1948. It con­sists of 30 artic­les. The text of the­se artic­les is set to music and sung in “Everyone”.

Read the full UDHR in Eng­lish here:

The sheet music can be found on the sheet music page.

Yes, you can!

All scores and parts will be published on Decem­ber 10th, 2023. Then you will find all sheet music here.

Yes, the­re will also be a pia­no reduc­tion for choirs.

All digi­tal sheet music is free. So you may save, print out, copy and pass on all sheet music that you find here on the website.

A print edi­ti­on of the sheet music is also plan­ned, but this will cost money. Howe­ver, copies of the print edi­ti­on may be made free of charge.

If you still want to pay for the digi­tal sheet music, plea­se dona­te to the Sin­ging Rights gUG.

A prin­ted ver­si­on of the sheet music is plan­ned when the work is finished.

You can find all infor­ma­ti­on about this on the cont­act page. We real­ly app­re­cia­te your sup­port, thank you!