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Sing “Everyone” with your choir, point the way towards human rights, dare a new, unhe­ard-of work.

Join us!

All choirs and orchestras world­wi­de are invi­ted to play the artic­les of the Uni­ver­sal Decla­ra­ti­on of Human Rights.

Whe­ther you are a uni­ver­si­ty orches­tra, a con­cert choir or a sta­te ensem­ble, you have not yet per­for­med this work. But hop­eful­ly it will find its way into your reper­toire so that human rights are on everyone’s lips.

Why should I play “Everyone”?

  1. As an ensem­ble you can pre­sent a new work.
  2. “Everyone” is like fur­ther trai­ning for your ensem­ble mem­bers, becau­se many instru­ments use “exten­ded tech­ni­ques”.
    To name just a few: flu­te: piz­zi­ca­to, bass cla­ri­net and saxo­pho­ne: slap ton­gue, strings: chopping.
  3. You can point the way towards human rights by making human rights music.
  4. As a soci­al­ly rele­vant topic, it is easier to sup­port the con­cert through foun­da­ti­ons and NGOs.
  5. The novel­ty and topi­cal­i­ty of the topic pro­mi­ses high media attention.
  6. You offer your audi­ence some­thing unhe­ard of: groo­ve, new play­ing tech­ni­ques and tim­bres as well as folk instru­ments in the orchestra.
  7. Tho­se who per­form the com­ple­te work in 2023 will of cour­se also recei­ve the pre­vious­ly unpu­blished sheet music free of char­ge and will be added to the list of world pre­mie­res on this website.

How difficult is the work?

The level of dif­fi­cul­ty is rough­ly com­pa­ra­ble to that of Carl Orff’s “Car­mi­na Burana”, but pro­ba­b­ly a litt­le more demanding.

It has a total length of 60–90 minutes.